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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pad Printing Machine

Pad Printing Machines are a type of offset machines providing fast and high clarity printing. This technique of printing is one of the most versatile and used to print three-dimensional objects and compound angles. These pad printing machinery are used in industrial printing, for high quality and fine printing on various materials including plastic, rubber, metal, ceramic. The printing speed and quality of these machines depends on the kind, thickness of stock/paper, type of inks used and other operating conditions.

Rotary Indexing Printing Machine

Rotary indexing printing machines are widely used for screen printing comprising a carousel. These machines are used as pad printing supplements and accessories. It increases the productivity and allows faster printing. The rotary index printing machine includes a multiple fixed and movable armed frame and are used to rotate a number of print heads on to the media. The indexing table provides crisp, clean images and high quality photos.

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